Category Archives: Kickstarter campaign

Apple Orange Pair’s first recording!

Today we start our 30-day Kickstarter campaign to make our first recording!

We encourage you to visit our Kickstarter page, where you can also watch our project video for a personal message from us. You can read a longer project description there too, or read this post for the condensed version.

We hope this project excites you as much as it does us! You can back us online through our Kickstarter page, which is only live until December 1.

Click on our project picture to view our Kickstarter page & video!

About our project

Our recording will feature new pieces we have commissioned and performed the past two years by composers Russell Nadel, Michael Weinstein-Reiman, Naftali Schindler, and Beth May. We are also recording a handful of our personal arrangements of classical favorites. All together, we are recording about 60 minutes of music. We hit the recording studio starting in January 2013, with a release date in late June.

The pieces on our recording are all brand-new pieces that have not been professionally recorded or released before. Each of them highlights the harp and the horn, individually and together, in ways that no other pieces we have yet performed do. We have already performed most of these pieces in Connecticut and Maine earlier this year for live audiences who, like us, are excited about this new music! We are eager to make this music available to wider audiences and performers soon through our recording.

Don’t just take our word for how great this music is though! We’d love it if you “listened ahead” to samples of these pieces, which you can find streaming online on our music page. (We will be adding more clips throughout our 30-day project, so check back often!)

How you can help

We are specially asking for YOUR help in bringing our project to fruition! From the recording sessions to its design, packaging, and manufacture, our project requires at least $9000 for us to do it the right way.

If we meet our goal, you will be part of our project’s creation the whole way as a backer. We’ll send you regular email updates, sneak previews of tracks, our entire digital album, a signed CD, and you even have the opportunity to have us perform live at your own house! You will actually receive our recording before our album is publicly released. Finally, you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing that you contributed to a valuable creative cause, supported the fine arts in these dire times, and championed the cause of new classical music for two unique instruments.

If you decide to “back” our project, please do it soon (and spread the word to your music-loving friends and family!). This is an all-or-nothing campaign: If we do not meet our goal of $9000 by December 1, we will not receive ANY funding at all. And the earlier in our campaign that you back us, the higher the odds that our project will succeed. (Even $10 goes a long way and will earn you our eternal gratitude and a free track!)

Thank you

Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support of our musical endeavors. It is a privilege performing for you, working with you, and knowing you. We are excited to have you join us on our next harp-and-horn adventure!