Changing gears for 2012-2013

photo from the Atlantic Music Festival

Performing at the Atlantic Music Festival in Waterville, ME. Photo courtesy of Abby Ang.

After a successful round of performances in the Atlantic Music Festival’s summer salon series, we returned to Connecticut in August to finish our demo recordings of our three 2012 commissions.

Less than a week later, Colleen and her husband moved to Bluefield, Virginia, in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Thus we begin our 2012-2013 season living 650 miles apart. The plan? Well, we are hard at work right now preparing our Kickstarter campaign to fund our first full-length recording. Our CD will feature some of our favorite commissions (five new pieces to date!) as well as a few pieces we have enjoyed performing together the past two years. We are looking forward to recording sessions starting in January 2013! We hope to release our album by May 2013.

In the meantime, we are busily booking concerts for May 2013, including venues in Virginia, DC, Pennsylvania, and New York.

Our Kickstarter campaign starts this Monday, October 22. Stay tuned for updates, or join our
email list for weekly updates as we prepare for our recording!