Goal reached!

We’ve reached our goal! Thanks to 115 backers both on and off Kickstarter, the campaign to record our first album is fully funded, with a little extra on top. We are grateful to each backer for their invaluable affirmation of not only our recording, but the wonderful new music it will showcase by Michael Weinstein-Reiman, Sarah Beth May, Naftali Schindler, Russell Nadel, and Aaron N. Price.

During the next several months, we will be hitting the recording studio with Mateusz Zechowski of Studio Teo, hiring a real graphic designer, and getting new duo photos, among the many other tasks required to make our album a reality. We have recording dates lined up in New Haven at our favorite performance venue, Christ Presbyterian Church, in mid-January and mid-February, for about 60 total minutes of music–most of it brand-new and never before recorded. We are shooting for a June 2013 release.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this new adventure!