Snowstorm Nemo edition

Production schedules are great…especially when they leave you three or more months of wiggle room to allow an apocalyptic blizzard to blast through town and obliterate your last recording sessions.

Photo Feb 09, 8 49 04 AMAlthough we were set to finish recording February 11-13, Snowstorm Nemo arrived February 8-9, dumping as much as 40 inches of snow in less than 24 hours on much of southern Connecticut.

Photo Feb 10, 5 46 24 PM While Emily was trapped in her house for a few days, state-wide driving bans kept Colleen trapped in her New London hotel, even after her orchestra cancelled its Feb 9 concert. Once we realized our engineer and his recording equipment were also snowed in, and all major roads in and out of New Haven remained closed the 11th and 12th, we decided to postpone until a comfortably snow-free time of year. Like May.

Although we were not able to rehearse or record during Colleen’s visit, we were able to briefly meet right before she drove to an engagement in New York. Here we are in front of an enormous pile of snow!Photo Feb 13, 3 35 18 PM